Odin turns ONE!!!


Odin will be ONE in just a few short days. I can’t seem to grasp where the time has truly gone. Everyone told me not to blink, and oh boy were they right!! This time last year I was so ready and anxious to meet our sweet boy. Feeling his kicks, dreaming up in my mind what his perfect little face would look like. I was just so ready to meet him. Odin decided to make his arrival three weeks early. I had just went to my doctors appointment to be checked out and had scheduled my c-section date because he was frank breech. After my appointment I had to run to Target to get a few things. After stepping out of my car, I ended up falling over the curb. Yeah, I’m clumsy - especially having a giant baby growing inside of me!! Thankfully my bag caught my fall and saved me from hitting my belly. As the day went on, my mom kept driving me nuts telling me I needed to go get checked out. I thought she was nuts because I felt fine. I was feeling his kicks like normal, and had no pains what so ever. So by the time that evening rolled around she had convinced me I needed to call the doctor. He told me to go get checked just to be safe. Once we pulled into the hospital parking lot I noticed I was having a few intense cramps. I paid no attention to them. Once we got checked in and they got me hooked up to the monitors that’s when everything took a turn. I WAS IN LABOR! YES! LABOR!!! I guess mother always knows best?! I couldn’t believe it. I felt fine all day long. They had to be wrong. We sat there from 5:30pm to 9:30pm waiting to see if my contractions would slow down. To our surprise they kept speeding up. So there we were. Not prepared. If you know me at all, you know I thrive on being organized and prepared. Chris called our parents in such a rush letting them know that our son was going to be here, TONIGHT! I could never forget the thoughts going through my mind at that time. My IV wouldn’t take so they had 5 separate nurses stick me, all while I was shaking from the nerves. I couldn’t seem to catch my breath. I can remember my heart beating out of my chest as they took me to the surgery room to get ready for the c-section. Within 10 min of the surgery starting the doctor says “here comes your baby!” I couldn’t comprehend that I was about to meet this tiny human I created for the first time. As they held him up I remember my first words being “does he have hair?!?” he did, and he was my clone. I remember them laying him on my chest and he snuggled right into my neck. In that moment I couldn’t hear anything else going on around me. He was here. He was 6 lbs 10 oz and 19 inches of pure perfection. He had this head full of dark brown hair, these big beautiful eyes, and he was so so tiny. He was the most precious little thing I had ever held. From that moment on I knew my life would truly never be the same again. Love had a whole new meaning, and my heart now lives outside my body.

Odin is thriving and Chris and I could not be more proud of him. Here are a few things he is currently doing:

  1. Eating like a CHAMP

  2. Clapping, waving, blowing kisses, high fives

  3. Says mama, dada, pawpaw (his favorite word), baba, nana, bye, Odin, no

  4. Crawls SO FAST

  5. Can stand for a few seconds on his own

  6. Dancing machine

Likes : Bath time, eating, mickey mouse, bananas, peaches, cheese, dancing, talking, his grandparents, using a straw sippy cup (he thinks he’s big stuff), and playing with any musical instruments.

Dislikes: Being told no, car rides, bedtime routine, being out of food, diaper changes, setting still, having toys taken away, and green beans.

This year has been filled with so many giggles, tears, exhaustion, and pure happiness. We have loved watching Odin hit all of his milestones, and get so excited when he does something new. Every time I see him stand on his own I start screaming and clapping because I just can’t handle the excitement I have for seeing my child accomplish such major milestones. We love this chunky babe of ours, and we just don’t know how life ever happened without him. We are just so thankful to have such a beautiful, healthy growing boy who genuinely loves life. He is the best part of our days and life is so much more fun with you in it sweet boy!!!!

Odin Christopher Farris we cannot wait to celebrate you turning the big ONE!!!! We love you!!!!!!

Now keep scrolling if chunky babies eating cake make you smile!!!!

Christopher Farris